Coming upon Memorial Day, we want to take the time to honor and thank our many selfless veterans and current service members. We here at Overhead Door Company of Norwich, Tolland and Brooklyn are very thankful for our service members and their families, who have sacrificed so much for our Country.
We would like to remind you that we sell the American Flag in a variety of sizes from 2’x3’ to 5’x8’. We also sell a variety of flags representing all branches of service, such as Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps and Coast Guard.
Our May Flag of the Month is “The Honor and Remember “ flag for only $29.99, plus tax.
Call or visit us today to purchase that special flag. Let’s honor our veterans and service members by flying these flags proudly!!
88 Route 2A, Preston / 860-889-3849 or 1-800-462-4003
70 Merrow Road, Tolland / 860-872-1466 or 1-800-462-4003
93 Hartford Road, Brooklyn / 860-779-8910 or 1-800-462-4003